Boss Room
In this section we will look at the inner workings of the boss and strategies for taking him out as quickly as possible without overwhelming yourself. This encounter is hard so be prepared.
As soon as you drop into the boss arena you'll notice a lot of Dregs and the boss in the back of the arena. He has very good aim and seriously long range. So make sure to block block line of sight from him when you can.
In the back left and right sides of the arena there are platforms. On both of them there is a new enemy type, a Fallen Turret. As normal make sure to focus your teams fire to take it down quick.
Once both Turrets are down do minor boss damage. Primary only or a few sniper shots, no whisper yet as you may do too much damage or miss a shot when he teleports.
Servitor 1
After minor boss damage a very large Servitor will spawn above him with 8 void Shanks. These are easily managed with a Tether, or a Hammerhead and Celestial Nighthawk shot. Try to avoid nova bomb on this cause you can do too much damage and push the boss too many phases ahead spawning so many adds it'll be difficult even touching the ground after re-spawning.
Once the Servitor and Shanks are down do minor boss damage and he will teleport to the left side of the area with 4 arc Shanks. Kill the Shanks quickly and do more minor damage.
He will then teleport to the back of the arena.
Servitor 2
This phase is basically the same as phase 2. But here the Shanks are solar. Against this Servitor Nova Bomb, Hammer Strike, Tether, and Celestial Nighthawk are all great options. Were not worried about doing too much damage to the boss now as were getting close to the damage phase.
After some more boss damage and the Servitor is down he will teleport to the right side of the arena with my arc shanks. Just as before kill the Shanks and do a small about of damage to the boss. He will then teleport to the front of the arena again with two Walker tanks where the Turrets were in the beginning.
This phase can be very difficult as there are a lot of adds throughout the room and the Walkers have very high one-shot potential. Have the two with Whisper go to the back left and right sides of the arena and shoot the walker on the opposite side as them. Cross shoot essentially.
While the third person with the LMG should be going around clearing all the small adds. This is very important as these adds can flinch the other two. The arc Shanks on the left and right sides will also re-spawn once.
Once both walkers are down your in the final stretch.
DPS Phase
Your now in the final phase. Kill the boss as quick as possible. The two with Whisper should begin focusing the boss while the third clears adds. Adds will continue to spawn throughout the rest of the fight. Tethers and LMGs work fastest to clear them out.
Along with Whisper, Nova Bomb, Celestial Nighthawk, and Melting Point are all very useful here. Use them on cooldown which should be easy with a Tether Hunter pumping out orbs like a factory.
Make sure the third person with the LMG is not using it to DPS the boss as this can cause a problem with the Whisper. It causes the boss to flinch a lot which can cause Whispers to miss a shot.
Once the boss is dead and all adds are gone the timer will stop, there will be a short lore bit and you will receive your sweet, sweet loot- Outbreak Perfected. Only one thing to do now. Go to Heroic difficulty to unlock the catalyst for it!
Good job on completing this mission. It is not the easiest one and the heroic only gets harder with a more difficult maze and a jumping puzzle. Prepare yourself.
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