Last Wish
By heavygauge
Last updated
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By heavygauge
Last updated
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This guide was written during the Season of the Drifter, with the strategies herein being developed over Year 2 of Destiny 2, beginning with Forsaken.
With the coming Season of Opulence, there are numerous sandbox changes that could shift up the loadout recommendations. Check out Datto's video here if you'd like to know more.
I really hope you are because Last Wish is a sincerely complex raid, perhaps even the most complex in Destiny's history thus far. Even so, after over six dozen runs of this behemoth, I, and our clan as a group, have come up with good strategies, tips, and tricks to make your first, or even tenth, foray into Last Wish a relatively painless one - and that means about an hour's worth of your time for every run.
Every member of Assist City has had an influence in the Dos and Don'ts that will follow throughout the guide, so a huge shoutout to the awesome guys and gals who I've come to respect as fellow "God Slayers".
If you find something erroneous or incomplete, please message me through Discord or any of the popular channels. Thanks!
Look to the top right for a "CONTENTS" menu that will house all the sub-chapters within each of the sections within the guide. They all have a similar structure to make it easy to get to where you need to get to.
The collapsible menu on the left should serve as an Index/Table of Contents for the main chapters.
I'm linking some essential source material to serve as a "pre" Appendix, as a lot of these community posts serve as excellent reference points for how raiding is a community endeavor in coming up with basic strategies to make your experience better. Some of these strats have motivated our own guide.