The Vault
by heavygauge
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by heavygauge
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Split your team into three sets of two, one for each plate: the Runner and the Defender. There are also very obvious plates and rooms. The rooms are Spire, Globe and Trees, named for their very obvious contents.The Runners start the fight by stepping on their respective plates and also read callouts upon the central structure.
The objective is to open the lock to the Vault and there will be a countdown timer on your left bottom called "Vault Security Mechanism". The aim is to "Cleanse" the three plates respectively within that timer, and you have to do this sequence three times, with progressively more Mights of Riven moving in to wipe the fireteam, with a refreshed timer each time.
Honestly, the TL;DR Step 1 at the bottom is the best way to go about getting three callouts into the chat and they might look something like this:
Spire Ant
Tree Pen
Globe Ant
You will get three of these sets of guides per encounter. At the plate that does not have a Taken Door, your reader will go into the room while killing the adds that spawn, the Defender will help kill adds and then finally, the Runner will bring down the Eye of Riven, which will drop a Taken Essence. The runner picks it up and will see a buff of the left of their screen called either "Taken Essence Penumbra" or "Taken Essence Antumbra". If this is happening at the Spire plate, for example, and assuming you have "Taken Essence Antumbra" after picking it up, you will notice that the Taken Door at Spire closes a short moment after you pick up the Essence. Ask your team for which of the other two plate doors are open. If it is Globe, then go left and exit out the Globe room and proceed to hit the grenade button on either the Globe Plate or the Spire plate, as those two were required Antumbra cleanses (as the chat messages above).
Rinse and repeat until the encounter is over. You will notice a light shine from the central structure to the ultimate exit door once for each cycle of three plate cleanses.
Shoutout to synnth for teaching me this in the first place!
Reading (at Spire):
Take your plates
Call middle symbol from Globe
If you don't see it, do nothing and wait for middle symbol call from Tree
If (3) or (2) is to your right at Spire, type "Spire Ant" in chat, else "Spire Pen"
Call your middle symbol
Kill Eyes of Riven in the outside rooms, pick up Taken Essence, exit accordingly, cleanse accordingly
Repeat thrice and kill increasing numbers of Mights of Riven before they stab the reading plates
Clear chat and ask your clan to not use Clan Chat for a bit
Tractor Cannon the Eyes of Riven back into the Vault room and then kill them, thank me later
Nova Bomb with Skull and Top Tree Golden Gun with Nighthawk against Mights is a WIN
Use the above when your runner is off gallivanting through the rooms and left you by your lonesome
Tractor Cannon + Rapid Fire Shotgun works wonders, as does a sword with high Impact
Threat Level with Major Spec, Curated Nation of Beasts with Dragonfly Spec, Tractor Cannon
Warlock with Nova Bomb (Top Tree) WITH Skull of Dire Ahamkara
Hunter with Golden Gun (Bottom Tree) WITH Celestial Nighthawk
Titan with Thundercrash WITH An Insurmountable Skullfort