In this section of the guide we will walk you through the easiest and fastest way to get through the maze/jumping section of the Zero Hour mission.
Normal Difficulty
The Start
You just dropped into a large open area (where the add section left off). Turn left and spot the ship. Go in front of it and then under it, go into the duct in the back right. Through here is a corridor, follow it and go up and through the duct.
In this room turn left and go through the duct behind the tool box. In here take and immediate right, then take the first opening on the right. Drop down the ledges below and go through the duct right behind when you dropped down. Be careful as these ledges will drop out from under you. Drop down into another section of air ducts. This will let you into a corridor, follow it and it will lead you outside.
Outside Wall
Now that we are outside jump across the the open box with the yellow top. Turn around and look at where you just came in. Sprint forward, do not jump, and watch below. Once you get past the section of wall in front of you, you'll be able to spot a balcony, jump to it. This is easiest on Hunters with Stomp-EE5 with Triple Jump or Warlocks with Strafe Glide.
Once on the balcony, activate the switch on your right to extend a platform and continue straight. Turn around and look up to the scaffolding, jump to it and go to the 3rd section. From here, look straight up and jump into an air duct. Continue through and drop down into the next room.
Small Room
This room can be hard to explain so please make good use of the GIF provided below.
In this room jump on the ledges on the right and middle of the room to get up three stories. From this ledge jump up into the duct on the right side of the room. Continue through till you get to the vent on your left. Go through here and you will find yourself on a catwalk over some fans.
Fan Room
From this cat walk look down at the fans. Drop down and aim for the center of the fan. This is a safe area. Look around the room for a red light and a small open section where the fan blades don't reach. Jump down this section of wall and aim to land on the center of the next fan.
Continue this process until you reach the bottom with a short walk way and another air duct. In this duct you can take either of the two exits on the left. And you'll be met with a near bottomless ravine. Seriously, why are there bottomless pits built in the old tower walls?
Pit Hall
This will be a short section. Look straight head, you will see 3 white ledges in this room. Ignore the closest one that is far down on the left. Instead jump to the first ledge on the right side, then to the ledge on the left. From here look for the open hatch at the back of the room. Jump into this hatch. Straight head is a switch to open some platforms for your team.
Turn left and once again go through the ducts and into a pipe room (and not the fun type). Go straight to the wall and turn right. More ducts, you know what that means. Continue straight until you drop into a command room. TR3-VR's (also known as Trevor) command room.
TR3-VR's Maze
The Explanation
This section can be difficult as well as a bit scary. But we will get through the nightmare together! On the left you will see a picture with white lines and red dots. These red dots are the four switches that have to be hit in Trevor's room to open the door to leave. The exit is on the other end of Trevor's room. I will explain the way that I solo this as its easy to make a team strat with the information provided.
In Trevor's room there are a few things we need to know before we can begin. Trevor is a blood thirsty monster who's only goal is to find and kill you. If you see his daunting red light coming towards you look down the hallways for a small hole with some pipes you can crouch in. Make sure you are as far in the crawl space as you can be. If you aren't he can still get to you.
There is also a middle section that connects both the left and ride sides of the maze. Trevor can not go into this area cause there is no floor. Only a few red pipes perfectly Guardian sized.
Last thing to mention before getting started is that after the first switch is hit there will be electric gates that will appear. These can be very frustrating as it can leave you stuck in the perfect spot for Trevor's blood thirst. But if you wait a short moment the gate will go down and you can continue on your running and screaming.
The Strategy
Now that we know whats going on lets get it done. On the right side of the room there is a well lite duct behind some debris. Go through it and drop down, be careful as the fall can kill you. Turn right and go through the next duct on the back right corner of the room. Go through here until you get to the opening.
Wait for Trevor to pass you before dropping in the room. Once he does drop down and start sprinting to the left. Follow the path as it turns right. Take the first left and follow it. You will see a switch with lights next to. Flip the switch and continue on wards. There will now be a gate blocking your path. Wait for it to go down before continuing your mad dash to the left.
Take the next left and go till you see the next switch. Smack it and go back the way you came from. When it dead ends take a right. Once you get to the open section with the bottomless pit on your left, jump onto the red pipe on the left. Then on the red pipe on the right. Jump to the walkway and go right followed by a left. Continue down here till you hit the next switch. Once again turn around and go back. Another gate will be blocking your path. Again wait for it to go down and turn right.
Pass by the open section we jumped through a short bit ago and take the first right. Go down here and hit the switch on the left. Keep going straight , once it dead ends go right. A gate should be appearing as you go around the next corner. If you are quick you can get through it before it fully activates.
Take the right with with exit sign (only right on this wall) and slide into this elevator room. Congratulations you are now done with Trevor's Maze and one step closer to the boss. It wont be long now.
The Final Approach
In this room with the four platforms jump on one and activate it. It will slowly work its way to the top. Once you get close enough to the cat walk to jump to it do so. The platform will drop out from under you. On one of the sides of the room there is another duct. Go through it and enjoy the slide.
On this slide you must be careful though. There are pipes on the right and left that will kill you if they make contact. Just aim for the middle and you should be safe until you reach the bottom.
Once you reach the bottom jump, or don't. Do whatever you can to prevent yourself from face planting into the wall or the floor. Go through the door (the only open one). Go towards the stair case, at the top of the stairs turn right and go through the ducts. Continue through them till you drop into a vault.
Turn to the right and there will be boxes of gold bricks, go past them and turn right facing the wall with all the pipes and the weird icon next to them. Stand in front of this icon to open a secret passage.
Continue straight through the hallway make a mental note about the odd tiled floor as we will be revisiting this in the heroic difficulty. In this room head to the very back right section. You will find a hole in the floor. Drop through it and turn right. Follow it straight and jump up onto the ledge next to the air duct.
Make sure to change your gear back to whatever you prefer to use against the boss. As once you go through this duct it will drop you into the boss arena.
You have now cleared most of the mission and hopefully have at least five minutes on the timer. This up coming boss can be a hard one and the more time for it the better. Congratulations on finishing this much of the Zero Hour mission. Keep up the good work Guardians!
Heroic Difficulty
The Start
After dropping into this open area, head to the back right corner and spot the air ducts. Once in the corner turn around and spot the opening in the vent, drop into it. Turn around spotting the vent across the room, go through and take a left. This will lead you to a deep pit with 2 cat walks on it, slowly make your way down to the bottom cat walk.
Missile Silos
In this room you will notice that in each corner of the room (slightly below you) there are red pipes coming from it except one. The one without the red pipes is the correct path to follow but before that, jump onto the pipes diagonally across the room from this one. Smack the switch that is hidden back here and make your way to the corner without the pipes. Go through this hall way will you get to a missile silo room. You should be able to make out some very thin ledges on the water fall straight across the room, jump to those and use them as a ladder to make your way to the top.
The missile silo to your left should be open thanks to that switch we slipped. Jump ontop of it and look up. There is a small yellow edge you can jump on to, same as before jump up the ledges as if this was a ladder. At the top go through the small opening and turn left spotting another duct for you to crawl through.
Once you come out of the duct you'll see that there are a few ledges a ways out from you just jump to them making your way to the end of the hallway. Once at the end on the left there is another duct with a switch next to it. Smack that bad boy and open up some cat walks for your team to jump to. After crawling through the vent it'll drop you in a small room, turn left and follow the red pipes. Next slide into the round pipe in front of you and prepare yourself for the hardest part of this maze.
Wall Jumping Puzzle
So once outside turn left, you'll spot a very small ledge like the one your on a bit ahead of you. Jump ahead to it, repeat this a few times till you get to the ledge with pipes above you. Jump up the pipes like a ladder. On your way up look to the side and you'll see more pipes, these will drop out from under you so if you want to take this path be careful.
Once at the top look to the side (right if facing the wall or left if facing away), there's a few small canisters on the wall. Make your way to them, next there is a small platform just ahead. Be careful as this platform will drop from under you. Be quick making your way to the red pipes at the end of the wall.
Were not over yet but getting closer. Now you have to take a blind jump around the wall to the left. Once here you'll immediately notice the platforms flipping up and down in front of you. These can be very difficult. Only the first, third, fifth, and sixth platforms will flip up. Before starting this part, look in the distance under the sixth platform spotting the pipes you can stand on. Now once they flip up sprint over the first and jump to the third, quickly jump towards the pipes we spotting a few seconds ago.
Once here look to the left and jump to the ledge. Carefully jump to the ledges above you till you get to the top. There is a opening further on, once in that room your done with the jumping puzzle.
Last Section
In the room just after the jump puzzle, look to the right and go through the duct. This is a slide like the one after Trevor's maze but unlike that one there is very little room and there are still pipes on the sides that will kill you. So start on the left, after you pass the first set of pipes move to the right side and jump right before the end making your way to the large platform across the room.
Now look to the back right of this platform, there is a set of boxes and a ledge above that. On the ledge there is a vent leading you to a small ledge in a bottomless hallway. Jump on the pipes to get to the next ledge. Go through the vent on the left and you will now be at the fan section from the normal version.
Finish the rest of the maze the same way you do on normal with one exception.
Floor Puzzle
After the vault room where you go through the secret path there is a tiled floor. If you step on the wrong tile you will die and the pattern changes each week depending on what singe is active. As of this moment only the Void and Arc singe floors are known. These pictures are the paths you must take.
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