Heroic Puzzle
After completing the Heroic difficulty of the Zero Hour (Outbreak Perfected) mission you will now have the ability to do the heroic puzzle. These can only be completed in the heroic difficulty. There are three different puzzles, Void Configuration, Arc Configuration, and Solar Configuration. These puzzles are very complex and require a lot more in formation from an outside source. The link provided above is the best way to solve these puzzles and give you maps for the areas as well. Since this website is practically required i will not add pictures explaining the lay out of the room. At the moment we don't have access to Solar Configuration so well skip over it.
Puzzle Bounty Start
To start the Configuration bounty clear the first add room and look to the left of the stairs. On the book self there will be a prompt to start the bounty. The bounty requires that you collect three key cards and do the large puzzle at the end.
Note: Once one fireteam member collects a Key Card all members get it as well.
Blue Key Card
Starting from where the Heroic maze differs from the normal, go through the duct and into the first room. Continue to the duct at the end of the room. Instead of going through it turn around. You'll notice there is a crawl space under the stairs. Go through here and at the end of the vent is the Blue Key Card.
Continue going through the maze as normal.
Green Key Card
Just before the jumping puzzle on there outside wall there is another key. After entering the room before going outside turn right and go towards the pipe on this end, turn around and spot another crawl space under the walkway. Go through here and obtain the Green Key Card.
Continue through the maze as normal.
Red Key Card
This one is pretty easy. In the room after completing the outside jumping puzzle, turn left and go to the corner of this room. There is a small spec you can fit in with a vent a little ways in. In the vent there is the Red Key Card.
That is all for the Key Cards, now go through the rest of the maze just past the death floor but not into the boss. The randomly large room is the puzzle room.
Puzzle Room
This is where things get a little tricky. There are dozens of ways that you can do this. But to simplify everything I will once again direct you to the link at the top as I will be referencing this constantly. Also for every puzzle you solve correctly you will get 15 seconds added to the mission timer so be fast.
First thing you will want to do on this site is to go to the "Maps" tab. The first one is a top down picture of the puzzle room. There are seven colored rooms each with seven terminals. You have to read 2 of the three terminals that are not in one of the seven rooms in order to figure out which is the correct terminal in a colored room to hit. Confused yet? Have one person volunteer to read terminal 1 (not in a room) and another for terminal 3.
Scroll down a little bit and you will see a picture of a colored room. All of the colored rooms are laid out the same way. The numbers on correspond with what number terminal it is in the room. For a better idea there is a small top down picture in the bottom left.
Now that everyone is in position go to the Void/Arc/Solar tab depending on what singe is active that week. If your team is set up like i mentioned above then click "Console 1 + 3". You will now see two large wheels under where it says console 1. These wheels match what is on the console in game. Once you start the puzzle the person at console 1 will notice a light on the wheel instead of numbers. They need to tell you what number the light stopped up (set up the same as the web site) starting with the left wheel then the right.
After you put in the numbers they gave you into the website it will tell you the results in the middle. For example on Void week, if the person at console 1 says, "1 - 10" it says Red 6. This means someone need to activate the 6th console in the red room. If the person gives a call out with multiple possible answers then the person on console 3 will have to call out the number only on their left wheel. Example: On void week if console 1 says "1 - 1" there are two different results, so it will require the first number from console 3 before it can give you results.
After completing these puzzles 49 times the bounty will be completed. Congratulations! Your done- until next week.
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