The Queenswalk
by heavygauge
The Mechanics
"Fate's Chosen" will have appeared as a buff on one of your fireteam member's screens. They will be the one to begin the encounter by standing next to Riven's Heart, picking it up, and walking back up out of Riven's throat.
As the "ball carrier", you will have a countdown timer on your screen that starts at 0:15. You will count this down into your comms so that your fireteam gets this information. At this stage you are also casting an aura around you for your fireteam members to huddle into so that they can avoid getting a debuff outside, called "Creeping Darkness" that starts at X1, and progressively goes up to X10, at which point they will die. Their aim will be to stay as close to you as possible and to keep enemies off of you.
When the timer reaches 0:03, signal this to your team. Their job is to now stay away from you, the "ball carrier", since you are now being teleported to within the very heart you were carrying. Any fireteam member who is within 2 meters of this, will also get sucked into the heart, thereby jeopardizing the whole run, since it takes all six to finish the encounter.
Once within the heart, the original Fate's Chosen will be the one to grab the last of the Taken Strengths on the field. There will only be one to begin with, and walking through the strengths should be done at the 0:03 mark as well. The subsequent Guardians who get teleported inside the heart will immediately grab at most two strengths and leave one for the very first person in. This resets the countdown timer on the current "ball carrier"'s screen, allowing them to traverse further. Every Guardian besides the first one in will get this reset.
The route is tracing back your footsteps from the heart, through The Vault into finally, the Globe room with the force elevator where you will drop down, and up a final stairway lit by a fairly obvious bright light to the two Techeuns right inside.
Pickup the ball and run it out
Get teleported inside and someone else outside picks it up and repeats (1)
Inside team resets timer once per outside runner at T minus 3 seconds
Don't get teleported out of turn
Slam ball at Techeuns
The Strats
The Run (Outside)
You can pick up the ball from about 2 meters away
Stop the first run outside Riven's mouth and hang left
Stop the second run before the pit with the Taken corruption
Always walk away from the Taken walls in case you get lose your bearings at Vault
The Heart (Inside)
The first one in picks up the last of the Taken Strengths
Everyone else picks up at most two Strengths since, remember, three will kill you
Kill those Mights of Riven, they are tanks and hurt a lot with their sword uppercut
Optimal Loadout
No specific recommendations - have fun!
Sub-Class and Armor
No specific recommendations - have fun!
Last updated
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