This is a difficult mission that will require some fore thought before you can get into to. Make sure to work together in getting the best synergy from your fireteam's loadouts. Let's take a brief look into what supers and weapons are highly recommended for the Zero Hour mission.
Way of the Trapper (top tree) is a great option for every section of this mission. Its one of the best add clearing supers and helps remove the Servitors from the boss room quicker than most other supers. Pair this with Orpheus Rigs and you will become a walking orb factory.
Way of the Wraith (middle tree) is alright. Its not as wonderful as Trapper or Outlaw for clearing adds but can be useful if combined with Gwisin Vest though you still might be better off with a ranged super.
Way of the Pathfinder (bottom tree) lacks behind its competitor on top tree. The tethers you shoot aren't as potent nor does it gain anything from Orpheus Rigs. If you plan on using a tether just use top tree.
Way of the Outlaw (top tree) is great in this mission for add clear which is an important job. The adds in this mission are very strong and can overwhelm you quickly so having an option to clear them quick without using heavy ammo is always a plus.
Way of a Thousand Cuts (middle tree) is not a good option for this mission. There is a high probability you will die either by the super or by the adds while trying to use it. Its alright for add clear and can be a bit more useful with Shards of Galanor but its not as strong as top tree.
Way of the Sharpshooter (bottom tree) is great for for boss damage and for taking out the tanks throughout the mission. When paired with Celestial Nighthawk it becomes even stronger. This is one of the best options for the boss encounter.
Way of the Warrior (top tree) has the potential to be very useful. Its able to clear adds very fast and with the melee ability stacked three times you can kill marauders in almost one melee. The problem it encounters is that all the enemies in this mission have a lot of health and deal a lot of damage. So more likely you wont be able to stack your melee ability or will die in the process. Missing out on this tree's key feature that makes it strong.
Way of the Current (middle tree) can be used very well in this mission but its very situational. You can use it to block the Walker tank's shots that one shot you but at the same time you can easily walk away from it. As for clearing adds all supers in the Arcstrider subclass excel in taking out large groups of adds and this tree does it better because you can shield yourself which the others can not.
Way of the Wind (bottom tree) is only really useful in the maze section as it allows you to sprint after. As for the usefulness of the super it lacks behind the other two trees in this subclass.
Attunement of Chaos (top tree) is one of the strongest supers in the game. When paired with Skull of the Dire Ahamkara you regenerate your entire super on killing a small handful of adds. It has great boss damage and very high add clear potential. Charging a Vortex grenade also allows for high damage to a medium sized area.
Attunement of Fission (middle tree) is not a good option. The damage reduction you get in it isn't enough to keep you alive for the entire super and unless you are against enemies with void shields then it struggles to kill anything.
Attunement of Hunger (bottom tree) lacks in comparison to top tree. The super itself does high damage and can out damage top tree for bosses but they have to stay in the supper. It also lacks the use of the Skull of the Dire Ahamkara die to the fact its only use is for bosses and not add clear.
Attunement of Sky (top tree) is good for the maze but not as much for add clear or boss damage. In super is gives you very high in air movement speed which is great but trying to use the super against a large number of adds leaves you too open. You'll end up dying before you ever finish the super.
Attunement of Grace (middle tree) can be a good option. It is very situation for this mission and is dependent on your teams composition. If the team is using Whisper of the Worm then its not very useful but if everyone is using a LMG then equip Lunafaction Boots and drop it down front and center.
Attunement of Flame (bottom tree) is a better option for add clear than the top tree but still heavily lacks behind Chaos. It doesn't have the movement speed like top tree does either. All and all its an alright super but there are better options.
Attunement of Conduction (top tree) is not a good choice. This mission involves a lot of really strong adds with shields of all elements. It lacks the damage to break those shields and isn't strong enough to be viable for boss damage. There is also a problem with the low damage resistance and the fact you have to be in melee range.
Attunement of Control (middle tree) is alright. It can do high boss damage as well as clear out some adds. Where it lacks is that it requires you stay out in the open for the duration of the super. When paired with Geomag Stabilizers you are able to regenerate the super at a higher rate then normal giving you more use out of it.
Attunement of the Elements (bottom tree) is so-so for this encounter. The super itself is about the same as top tree but where this tree shines is in the rifts. Rifts last longer and give you and your team Arc Souls which does a fair amount of damage to anything in a medium range around the player. These do last for 8 seconds after leaving the rift for even more damage. But being that close to the boss or too many adds can cause a problem.
Code of the Fire-Forged (top tree) is probably the best option for most Titans. Its ranged which gives you that extra survivability, and when timed well can use Hammer Strike to weaken the boss allowing the fireteam to deal more damage. Though if timed wrong you can die while trying to use it. The super itself isn't the strongest but it can still clear adds well.
Code of the Devastator (middle tree) can be alright. The main attack (spin to win) will allow you to move around quickly and deal some damage to tightly packed adds. The secondary attack (the slam) is not useful. There is too much terrain blocking the shock wave's path and it requires you stand in one spot the entire time.
Code of the Siegebreaker (bottom tree) is a good super but in this mission will require a very high skill level. It allows for high damage to both boss and adds but requires you stand in the Sunspots created by the super. You can move back and forth between sunspots but you have to make sure you still have sight to the targets.
Code of the Earthshaker (top tree) is alright. The super forces you to stay in melee range and has mediocre damage as compared to other super. The good thing about this tree is you gain an addition grenade and the effects last longer.
Code of the Missile (middle tree) can be great. The super itself deals a fair amount of damage but it leaves you in melee range. So it can be used for boss damage or clearing a cluster of adds. The other part that makes this tree useful is when you slide over ammo is auto-reloads your equipped weapon and increases its damage for a short time. Any extra damage is always useful.
Code of the Juggernaut (bottom tree) should not be used. It focuses solely on melee and melee abilities which are not utilized much in this mission. Add deal too much damage and have too much health to justify trying to melee a lot.
Code of the Protector (top tree) is situational. This tree gives you a way of staying alive after going for a melee which is more than most other trees for Titans but the super can also be used to create a Ward of Dawn. When the user is used to create the Ward your team is able to stack in it to keep alive. The only problem is you can not damage targets from a range while in this so it is strictly to stay alive.
Code of the Commander (middle tree) is alright. The super can be used to increase your teams damage output as well as clear some adds. If you are also rocking a void weapon then it gives you additional add clear out of super. All around its and o.k. choice.
Coded of the Aggressor (bottom tree) might be the way to go if you want to be a Sentinel. The only reason though is through the perk Second Shield which gives you and additional shield throw while in super. More shield throws are great cause they bounce off enemies and go towards others giving you a chance to kill a large amount of adds while mostly standing behind a wall.
The kinetic slot is home to a large verity of viable weapons but for this encounter we want to use a special kinetic weapon, something like a shotgun or a sniper rifle. If you are not quite 700 light level yet a sniper rifle may be your go to since you don't want to get too close. It is possible to use a primary in the kinetic slot but you want to make sure you have enough range and damage for tanky adds. Here are a few options that i use myself when completing this mission.
Threat Level
Dust Rock Blues
Midnight Coup
Blast Furnace
Your energy weapon will most likely be your most used weapon in this mission so use an energy primary as most adds have strong shields. That being said you want to work with your team to make sure that everyone has a different element energy weapon. It is also possible to switch between energy weapons. I often destroy most the shields swapping between the top three listed below.
Nation of Beasts (Arc)
Trust (Solar)
Kindled Orchid (Void)
Recluse (Void)
Risk Runner (Arc)
Last Perdition (Void)
Loaded Question (Arc)
Retold Tale (Void)
Your power weapon comes down to what strategy you use.A good strategy is two people use Whisper of the Worm while the third runs a LMG for add clear.
Whisper of the Worm (Solar)
Hammerhead (Void)
23% Delirium (Arc)
Avalanche (Solar)
One Thousand Voices (Solar)
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