Morgeth, The Spirekeeper
by heavygauge
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by heavygauge
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Split your group into two groups of three: the left and the right. They will fulfill the following roles, in order, with the number of Taken Strengths they are picking up:
Left: Start+End, First Pick, Cleanser
Right: First Pick, Second Pick, Cleanser
When Start+End grabs the first (middle) Taken Strength, the encounter begins. Every Pick role besides them has to pick up 2x Taken Strengths. The aim is to grab 10x for the Damage Phase. Once someone has 2x Taken Strengths, they can get Trapped. The cleanser from their side has to then kill an Eye of Riven, grab the Taken Essence, and then go up to the Trapped person and hit the Grenade ability button to take their Taken Strengths.
An ideal rotation looks like this, if the cleanse is on the left and the First Pick on left gets trapped:
Left: Start+End (1x), First Pick (2x), Cleanser (2x) | Refreshed Pick (2x), Start+End (1x)
Right: First Pick (2x), Second Pick (2x), Cleanser
Notice that the numbers in bold are the only true pick-ups from the field. The Cleanser's pick is simply a transfer of Taken Strengths to enable others to pick more up.
After this, meet behind Morgeth, do the usual: plop a Well down, apply a Melting Point, and an Empowered Warlock melee, and nuke the big boi with Thunderlord/Legend of Acrius and the Threat Level with Boss Spec. Six Outbreak Perfecteds will serve the same purpose.
At the bottom left of your screen, you will keep getting messages about Morgeth being at XX% strength, but if you follow the above, you should not need this information.
Steal 10 Taken Strengths from Morgeth (2 MAX per Guardian)
Cleanse Guardians who are Trapped (after step 1) with Taken Essence (Grenade Key)
Damage Phase from behind Morgeth
Whoever does not have any Taken Strengths, go ahead and grab TWO.
The Cleansers should cover for each other if the game traps someone on an unexpected side.
Threat Level with Boss Spec, Curated Nation of Beasts with Dragonfly Spec, Thunderlord or Legend of Acrius
Warlock with Well of Radiance WITH Lunafaction Boots
Hunter with Golden Gun (Bottom Tree) WITH Celestial Nighthawk
Titan with Hammer Strike