Shuro Chi, The Corrupted
by heavygauge
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by heavygauge
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This fight is pretty straightforward to explain but difficult to execute. It's broken down into three phases, each repeating in their own ways: Add Clear, Damage Phase, Puzzles
Clean up all the Taken Thrall, Taken Knights, and Eye of Riven, (and later a Taken Ogre). Have three Guardians pick up one of the three crystals that spawn in, have one of them call when/countdown to jumping on, jump on and shoot the beam at the Guardian on your right. The plates will damage you, so try to keep an eye on that.
Then plant a Well, apply a Hammer Strike, and go to town with a Legend of Acrius or a Threat Level with a Boss Spec. A lot of weapons can work here, so use what you feel comfortable with but the above are the best bets. A Celestial Nighthawk Golden Gun Shot will be real nice as well. Six Outbreak Perfecteds will serve the same purpose, but it's a bit slower.
If you do not have the damage output, you can use the Taken Essence dropped by the Eye of Riven and click the Super ability button on Shuro Chi to slow down her song.
Do the above yet again and then proceed to the puzzles, where you will do some add clearing. Position 4 Guardians for their puzzle pieces and have 2 Guardians at opposite sides of the room ready with Thunderlords for clearing adds. Similar to Kalli, read the vacant puzzle pieces as a book - Left to Right, Top to Bottom. Complete the three puzzles while changing your orientation with respect to the puzzle piece you are looking at. Remember to NEVER stand on the exact same plate twice, as this will damage and thereby kill you. Jump on the plates that require cleansing all at the same time, so count it down or call it as you did outside, as these plates will also damage you steadily.
Climb up the newly spawned platforms for two more cycles of add clearing and damage phases, follow it up with a puzzle, and then two more add clearing and damage phases. Six sub-health bars make this one a longer encounter.
Damage | Damage | Puzzle | Damage | Damage | Puzzle | Damage | Damage
Kill adds and spawn crystals around the boss
Pick up and shoot the Guardian to the right
Damage Phase
Repeat (1) & (2)
Complete puzzles (thrice) by looking in the direction of the puzzle being solved
Repeat (1) through (4)
Repeat (1) and (2)
Have your fireteam write out numbers into chat, corresponding with the following roles, preferably with the more experienced raiders, or newer raiders wanting to learn mechanics, taking up the roles 1-3:
Crystals & Puzzle Piece
Crystals & Puzzle Piece
Crystals & Puzzle Piece
Puzzle Piece
Add Clear and First Puzzle Standby
Add Clear and Second Puzzle Standby
This is because there are three crystals and four puzzle pieces. Role #5 should call out their readiness to hop in if any fireteam member needs a replacement on their puzzle piece, especially important for runs with many duplicate plates. The same with role #6, in case you have really bad luck.
Usually though, the puzzle piece members should aim to swap plates among themselves.
Another noteworthy strat is having a warlock place down a healing rift in the middle of the puzzle pieces so that the crew hopping onto plates can regenerate their health in between the three puzzles, as the plates will hurt you.
Threat Level with Boss Spec, Curated Nation of Beasts with Dragonfly Spec, Thunderlord or Legend of Acrius
Warlock with Well of Radiance WITH Lunafaction Boots
Hunter with Nightstalker (Top Tree) WITH Orpheus Rig
Titan with Hammer Strike WITH Hallowfire Heart