Rivensbane Title Checklist
by heavygauge
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by heavygauge
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Ah, you've tamed what is very popularly slated as being Destiny's "best", "grandest", "most challenging," or some such hyperbolic descriptor of a raid, and now you want to display the same with a proud title commemorating your conquests. Fear not, barring some poor luck, most of the challenges you will now face should be easily surmountable by you and your fireteam. You can even get a sweet "Rivensbane Seal Collectible Medallion Pin" (that's a mouthful) from the Bungie Rewards program, as seen below. Click through the Contents section on the right for the required information.It took quite a while, but I got there! It serves as a great reminder that raiding is always a team effort.
Remember to not be dismayed if there is a certain random drop that is evading you. We are human and sometimes, not being given something that we think we deserve can change our attitude towards the game and affect the health of our raiding party. I say this because I have experienced it. Remember that this is always going to be a game where we're all trying to have some fun.
Riot from Tier 1 got his One Thousand Voices on his 101st run. heavygauge from Assist City got his Cleansing Knife on his 55th run. Things happen.
Raid: Last Wish Badge
Get all armor, weapons, and cosmetics from the raid (see image at the end of this list)
O Murderer Mine
Complete the raid
Summoning Ritual
Challenge at Kalli
Coliseum Champion
"Which Witch" Challenge at Shuro Chi
Forever Fight
Challenge at Morgeth
Keep Out
Challenge at The Vault
Strength of Memory
Challenge at Riven
Complete all encounters with Arc sub-classes
Night Owl
Complete all encounters with Void sub-classes
Complete all encounters with Solar sub-classes
The New Meta
Complete all encounters with a fireteam of the same class
Clan Night: Last Wish
Complete the raid with clanmates
Petra's Run
Flawlessly complete the raid
Habitual Wisher
Make 10 Wishes
Put a Flag on It
Plant 10 Raid Banners
Treasure Trove
Loot 10 Hidden Chests
Source: light.gg. Hyperlinks here: Warlock list, Titan List, Hunter List.
Step on the "bad" plates as well and spawn and kill an ogre for each plate activation (3x) at the Kalli encounter. Do this per damage cycle (every time you have to cleanse plates). It's easier to do a bad plate first and then a good plate for the fireteam members that are doing extra plates. This allows the early "good" plate cleansers to get the ogres down.
No fireteam member should get hit twice by Shuro Chi's "bolt" attack. This is different from the "lift" and "push" attack. Maintaining Line-of-Sight (LOS) to Shuro Chi is the best bet, Things get difficult after the first puzzle section (before health bar 3/6) and her "lift" attack can be followed by the "bolt" attack and catch you unawares. Any destructible Guardian structure, such as a Well's Sword and a Titan Barricade can be shot by Shuro Chi and trigger a "Challenge Failed".
Do not kill the smaller Ogres for the entire duration of the Morgeth encounter. They will make things difficult with their incessant "pushing" attack. Avoid any Dragonfly weapons or Thunderlord, or even chucking grenades in their general direction.
Fight from within the three rooms and kill the Mights of Riven before they escape through the Taken barrier into the central room at the Vault encounter. We do not recommend Blade Barrage as this can send them flying in unpredictable directions. Nova Bomb, swords, Tractor Cannon or the Nighthawk Goldie are your best bet to end the Mights in a split second.
At the Riven encounter, no fireteam member may shoot the same eye twice. The Riven cluster strategy accomplishes this by no one shooting any eyes at all. Proceed as usual.
...and the importance of an Alt + F4 macro. You think I'm saying that in jest, but I promise that every fireteam member possessing this ability to immediately cheat death will save your metaphorical bacon at least once with every successful Petra's Run.
Besides this fact, we recommend raiding with people you are comfortable with and using the above macro whenever something is about to kill you, such as:
Being booped off a ledge by the Tech Witches
Falling in the Ascendant jumping puzzle
Cleansing delay at the Morgeth encounter
High Creeping Darkness stacks at Queenswalk
If your team is even considering attempting this, then you already know what to do as far as mechanics go, so I implore your team to simply take it easy, focus on your callouts, and lastly, go have some fun.
Something we resorted to doing early on was making sure we checked each other's loadouts to make sure that any fireteam member isn't missing anything, because you don't be the guy who forgot to equip Lunafaction Boots, panicked and then immediately thereafter shot his own Well's sword. I memed myself as penance.
First, Wish #14 will have to be entered into the Wall of Wishes. Refer to Esoterickk's guide to finding them all, below.
Obtained as a random drop after the Kalli encounter
Obtained as a random drop after the Morgeth encounter
First, a Glittering Key must be obtained as a random drop after completing the raid. Next, Wish #2 needs to be entered into the Wall of Wishes before your subsequent run. Next, you will have to traverse a small jumping section to get to the secret chest after the Morgeth encounter.
Here is community member Eva Eve showing you how to get the chest at 12:15 in the video below. They input Wish #2 to summon the chest, and then Wish #5 to teleport to Morgeth.